My vacation is over. Those 4 words are so sad and invoke plenty of heartfelt apologies from co-workers. I feel like no matter how long your vacation is, it is never long enough. Eric and I spent from the 2st until the 11th together on vacation. It was wonderful to say the least, even though it rained most of the week. Can't help the weather, I always say.
Moving on, away from my little pity party of no longer being on vacation..
Remember those pictures from the Grist Mill. Yes? Great! Lynne and I wound up having ourselves a photo shoot there and I think the results are amazing. Let me know what you think!
I love this one, with messy hair and a girly look with combat boots, it just makes me smile. |
I think this is Lynne's favorite (and maybe one of my top 3. It's so hard to choose!!) |
Remember those red doors? This was taken right next to one.. I love the contrast of the red with the stone. and the fact that she's off center makes me love it even more! |
We were joking around.. I told her this could be her Country Music Album cover. She laughed since country music is the farthest thing from her taste of music. |
I think this vintage-y pin up photo says a lot about her. |
This one pretty much encompasses the feel of the day. I told her I wanted her to look "fluffy" and this is pretty fluffy! | | |
Well that's kind of all I have for today. I hope you enjoyed the shoot! Feel free to let me know your favorite or if you have any ideas of what you'd like to see or if you'd like to do some modelling! I'm always open to new models! I'll post again tomorrow!
"Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it."
Dear Jen, I luff you and the way you make me look fluffy. :) <3 Lynne