I'm a huge believer that a photo is worth a thousand words. I am also a hug believer that you can take a great picture no matter your camera. You don't have to have the top of the line camera to capture a great image. I have used everything from disposable to my T2i and have made some wonderful art. And yes, photography is art.
Art: noun /ärt/ The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
I think photography is just that. Any image I capture invokes some sort of emotion out of the viewer, whether it be happy or sad, like or dislike. I am the first one to say that my photographs may not be to the liking of everyone. I'm okay with that. I am happy with the images I capture and produce. I love what I do. Like I have said before, I would do this full time if I could support my life with it. I have a running notebook of ideas (which I should keep next to my bed, because often I dream of locations and poses that I often forget to put into writing).
I crave art. I crave creativity. I crave producing work that makes people smile. When someone is happy with my photographs (of them or others) it gives me the greatest joy. Truly. When someone feels beautiful because I captured them at their most pure state, that makes me happy. And I am always all for being happy!
With that being said, always remember to do what you love. Take just a few minutes a day to do something for yourself that makes you happy, then project that happiness outward, share it with someone else to help their day along. Or do something for yourself that just happens to makes someone else smile.. An impromptu 'pep talk' or sorts via your happiness. Happiness is usually contagious.
I am so excited for the next few months. This month is pretty busy for me, I have senior photos next weekend and then a huuge wedding the weekend after (I am so excited for both!) so I have been mentally trying to prepare for them. Plus with the two shoots this past weekend, I have a lot of editing and processing to do. I can't wait until the leave change a little more and then I can get outside and take some autumn photos.
This is Autumn 2010. Enjoy! |
I'm still waiting to receive my giveaway product! I'll post details once I make sure that it comes in up to my standards (which I'm sure it will).
Have a wonderful day everyone!
"Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it"