I recently got hired at a new company. Which is pretty amazing, but had altered my schedule, and trying to get back on track has been difficult.
I also have had some pretty amazing photography opportunities. First, Joe and April's wedding on June 4th. Weekend after weekend of rain, these two had the perfect day for a wedding and the location was that of an exotic island (although it was in Maine)

I think it was well worth it! They also climbed out on the rocks to get some gorgeous shots with the blue-er than blue ocean in the background.

I also had the opportunity to head in to Boston for the Bruins Stanley Cup parade. It is definitely a difficult thing to get amazing pictures when you are in the crowd, rather than outside of the crowd taking pictures. There were people EVERYWHERE with hands flying up obscuring my view and tall people in front of me trying to get their voices heard as the parade marched (drove) by (on duckboats)
I got this great shot of the hat on the person in front of me. I love that the policemen in the background are blurry, but you can still tell that they are police.
I has such a great time regardless of the crowd! And all in all, it was pretty tame, no fights, no riots, everyone was there for the same reason, to celebrate the Bruins winning the cup and bringing it home.
I have a few more things in the works that I cannot wait to share soon! Hopefully I'll be better in posting on here with things as they happen, not weeks after the fact!
Keep checking back, hopefully I'm on the right track!